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9、Report on the Influence of 2000-2004 Chinese Educational periodicals--Based on the Statistical Analysis of CSSCI;

12、How to Calculate the Impact Factor of Chinese Journals of Social Sciences--Based on the Time Distribution of Citations of CSSCI



2、Analysis on Academic Influence of Sports Science Based on CSSCI;

5、Analysis of Academic Influence of Books on Religious Studies--Based on Data Bank Analysis of CSSCI

8、An Important Tool in the Domain of Social Sciences in China: A Review of the CSSCI (2000);


1、CSSCI and its Evaluation Function;

6、A CSSCI-based Positive Study on the H-index of Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars;

11、Analysis of Research Capability in Humanities and Social Sciences of Normal Universities and Colleges in China: Data Analysis Based on CSSCI;

3、Cooperation of Researches for Humanity Studies in Our Province Inspired by CSSCI Theses with Collaborative Authors

10、A Study on the Distribution of Research Ability of Humanities and Social Sciences in University in Guizhou Based on the Database of CSSCI;

4、Analyzing the Characteristics of the Resources in Network from CSSCI

16、常言道:人生失意*九,造化總是捉弄人。然而轉念一想,上蒼對我這個 nerd 已經眷顧有加,讓我受之有愧:洞房花燭夜、金榜題名時、胖兒子尖叫時,這些人生至樂都一一賜予了我。就是黃金屋還沒有碰到。我想,如果北大心理系(現在可能是心理學院了)還召人做試驗,我可能算是合格人選了吧。但願我那像小海豚般可愛的胖兒子到青春期的時候,能長出一副古希臘青年戰士一般*感的體形,學理科或者*金融。如果他不幸變成了文科 nerd,我也要像我爸爸教訓我那樣教訓他:說是再複雜的一部歌劇總譜,也是一個音符一個音符寫出來的,舞蹈家一個動作反覆練習上千遍,肯定和練五百遍的不一樣。那 “CSSCI”上面“一類重要核心學術期刊”文章,也是一個字一個字地……

7、A Glimpse at Chinese Study of the Humanities and Social Sciences from CSSCI;


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