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The proportion of those who believed alcohol counselling was highly relevant to care of patients was higher at entrance to wards (61%; 919/1516) than in final year students (46%; 606/1329).

那些相信飲酒諮詢和處理病人高度相關的學生的比例,入病房者(61%; 919/1516)高於最後一年(46%; 606/1329)的學生。



Zhao Tianbao, Fu Congbin. 2009. Applicability evaluation of surface air temperature from several re analysis data sets in China [J]. Plateau Meteor, 28 (3) : 594-606.

According to the Motion Picture Association of America, 606 new films were released last year, although many were destined for just a handful of cinemas in new York and Los Angeles.

另一路是海程。搭乘輪船,到越南海防,然後坐滇越鐵路火車,由老街入境,至昆明。有意思的是,輪船上開飯,除了白米飯之外,還有一籮高粱米飯。這是給東北學生預備的。吃高粱米飯,就鹹魚、小蝦,可以使“我的家在東北松花*上的”的流亡學生得到一點安慰,這種舉措很有人情味。 我們在上海就聽到滇越路有瘴氣,易得惡*瘧疾,沿路的水不能喝,於是帶了好多瓶礦泉水。當時的礦泉水是從法國進口的,很貴。沒有想到惡*瘧疾照顧上了我!到了昆明,就發了病,高燒超過四十度,進了醫院,醫生就給我打了強心針我還跟護士開玩笑,問“要不要寫遺書”。用的*是606,我趕快聲明:我出了院,暈暈惚惚地參加了考試。上帝保佑,竟以第一志願被錄取,我當時真是像做夢一樣。





The lag time increased with a higher coating level, but decreased with the addition of the hydrophilic plasticizer, Pharmacoat 606, and of the water amount in the coating solution.

I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802, Beijing.

The major reason of resistant to loading of Shennong 606. is the stronger stem under the condition that the difference of all varieties plant height were not obvious.

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