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1. 欣赏高原风光 (如高地,雪山等) ;

2. 去当地居民家做客,体验当地风俗,品尝美食;

3. 在导游陪同下参观布达拉宫和*博物馆, 购买纪念品,并到离拉萨不远的羊八井温泉沐浴;

注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数);

       2. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。

参考词汇:* Tibet; 布达拉宫 Potala Palace;  拉萨 Lhasa;

          温泉 hot spring; 高地 highland;    沐浴 bathe (vi)

Dear Betty,

During the summer holiday,_________________________________________                               

____________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                        Li Hua


Dear Betty,

  During the summer holiday, I went on a tour of Tibet, known as “the roof of the world” with my parents by plane. During my trip I was deeply impressed by the breathtaking scenery—the fantastic highlands, the fresh air, and the snow mountain. In the company of the guide, we paid a visit to the grand Potala and Tibet Museum to learn about its history and culture, where we bought brilliant souvenirs. After that, we went to relax ourselves by bathing in the hot springs in Yangbajing near Lhasa. Besides, we had an opportunity to come to the Tibetan families to experience the local life and unique customs, and tasted a variety of delicious food . 

   What fun it is to travel there! I hope you can see it yourself.


