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Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey. 有时候,进步的关键是要知道如何走出第一步,然后才能开启征程。

And you either take that step forward,or turn around and walk away. I could quit,but here is the thing,I love the playing field. 如果你不跨出这一步,就是掉头离开,我可以退出,但现状是,我爱这片竞技场。



The carousel never stops turning. 旋转木马永不停息。

Pick se me.

Sometimes doing something is worse than doing nothing. 有时,做点什么比什么都不做更糟糕。

太频繁的追逐感觉不错的东西,意味着你要释放掉一些你所认为好的东西,让某个人进去,意味着放弃,你花了两年所筑的墙,当然,最大的牺牲,是你都不知道自己失去了什么,也许它是最宝贵的,也许... 结局你永远不知道。

失去爱犹如器官受损,犹如将要死去; 唯一的区别在于: 死亡只是一瞬,痛苦却永远无法摆脱。

Even the biggest failure,even the worst,most intractable mistake,beats the hell out of never trying. 即使满盘皆输,即使大错特错,也胜过不敢尝试。


Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy. 这个世界上没有什么值得拥有的东西是容易的得到的。