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用“not having any”造句大全,not having any造句

We usually get worried when invited to events for fear of being either over or under dressed and we end up not having any hint on what to throw on and hit the road.

I'm not having any of that nonsense.

Romantics say that the bank used to prosper by deliberately not having any strategy at all.

I feel free and more alive by not having any possessions or physical ties rather than what some people might see as being deprived.

The participants ate a prescribed meal for dinner, and then they were tested the next day after not having any breakfast. They were tested a second time after eating lunch.

But then there came a point where I was just got sick of not having any confidence in every area of my life (it caused insomnia).

Perhaps this too is why she has a very Zen-like calm about not having any other movies lined up after The Normal Heart, something that would have been unthinkable for Roberts a few years ago.

Plus, working yourself to death in order to keep up, and not having any time to enjoy the fruits of your work, isn’t really “success”. It’s obsession.

Now I'm not having any ifs and buts it's cold showers for everyone before breakfast tomorrow.

There was a pear tree in the front yard which was heavily eroded by rain from years of not having any lawn.

not having any造句

Risk my life jaywalking - No! I'm not having any.

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