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日常生活中我們經常可以看見一些乞丐在街上或地下人行通道乞討。最近, 一些大城市如*、上海等地通過法規禁止乞丐在地下人行通道行乞留宿。你們班就此事進行了討論。請你根據以下討論結果用英語寫一篇短文。





3.參考詞彙:地下人行道 subway     同情心 compassion  禁止ban

In everyday life we often see some beggars begging in the streets or subways. Recently some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have passed the law to ban beggars from subways. We have had a discussion about it.                      _____        _________________________________________________________                      




In everyday life we often see some beggars begging in the streets or subways. Recently some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have passed the law to ban beggars from subways. We have had a discussion about it.

46% of the students are against the idea.They think it is not right for the government to forbid beggars begging in subways. Some beggars really have difficulties in making a living. They play music in subways to survive. We shouldn’t look down upon these people. The society should take some measures to help them.

On the other hand, 54% of the students are for the idea.They think beggars won’t do any good to our city’s image. Beggars make a lot of trouble for the city. What’s worse, some beggars are just taking advantage of other people's compassion to make easy money. So the government should forbid beggars public places.


