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《Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake》經典語錄

《Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake》經典語錄

In this irresistible memoir, the New York Times bestselling author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize Anna Quindlen writes about looking back and ahead—and celebrating it all—as she considers marriage, girlfriends, our mothers, faith, loss, all the stuff in our closets, and more.

As she did in her beloved New York Times columns, and in A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Quindlen says for us here what we may wish we could have said ourselves. Using her past, present, and future to explore what matters most to women at different ages, Quindlen talks about

Marriage: “A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldn’t believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation.”

Girlfriends: “Ask any woman how she makes it through the day, and she may mention her calendar, her to-do lists, her babysitter. But if you push her on how she really makes it through her day, she will menti




最好的東西往往是偶然得來的,年輕時總希望有人爲我們指點迷津,出謀劃策,授予我們立竿見影的方法. 但生活的真相卻很詼諧,他沒有固定的公式,更多時候,是那些意料之外的事情決定了我們的人生.

我們的夢想,是恐懼開出來的花,在人生漫長的歷程中,我們習慣了用恐懼包裹夢想,以爲夢想就是難以企及的夢. 從現在開始,每天做一些自己害怕做的事,然後一層層剝開恐懼,夢想就會開出花來.



