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用“NGC 445”造句大全,NGC 445造句

4、在室女座星系团旁边的NGC 4452星系薄到我们甚至无法确知这个盘状星系的类型。

NGC 445造句

2、NGC 4452, a galaxy in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, is so thin that it is actually difficult to determine what type of disk galaxy it is.

1、NGC 4452首见于1784年,是英格兰的威廉·赫瑟尔用他那47cm的望远镜发现的。

3、The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has imaged a striking galaxy called NGC 4452, which appears to lie exactly edge-on as seen from Earth.

5、美国宇航局/欧洲宇航局的哈勃太空望远镜观察到一个引人注目的星系叫做NGC 4452,从地球上看它就是一个侧面体。

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