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用“lunar orbit”造句大全,lunar orbit造句

9、"The Apollo spacecraft, supplied with their own low-powered rockets, could Brake on approach to the Moon and go into lunar orbit."

12、They arrived in lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1968, and sent back the famous first human views of Earth rising from the horizon of the moon.

15、But the satellites will arrive with less relative speed than spacecraft making the trip in three days, which means less fuel will be needed to brake and drop into lunar orbit.

18、Last month, Japan stole a bit of China's thunder by launching its own lunar probe, and India plans its own lunar orbiter next year.

3、They could go into lunar orbit or into solar orbit halfway between the Earth and Venus, or one day even land on the moon.

6、The spacecraft USES a bipropellant integrated propulsion system to reach lunar orbit as well as orbit and attitude maintenance while orbiting the Moon.

10、The US has a reconnaissance satellite in lunar orbit now, but President Obama appears to have put off the notion of a manned return to the moon.

14、As a result it appeared some 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a Full Moon near apogee, the most distant point in the elliptical lunar orbit.

1、lunar orbit TV data link system

5、A main aim of the lunar motion theory in ancient China is to calculate the longitude of the Moon at the lunar orbit at any given time.

11、When America returns to the moon, four astronauts will ride in Orion to lunar orbit and then all of them will move into the Altair lunar lander to go explore the moon.

17、lunar orbiter spacecraft

7、Orion will operate on its own in lunar orbit, standing by for the return trip to Earth.

16、Agenaclass lunar orbiter

8、A successful launch will make India the third Asian nation to place a satellite in lunar orbit.

4、China's 2nd lunar probe, the Chang'e-2, will fly much faster than its predecessor and reach lunar orbit within a shorter period of time, Xinhua reported Friday.

13、Being able to operate autonomously in lunar orbit will be a key factor in Orion being able to support longer missions.

lunar orbit造句

2、The booster was Saturn C-3 and the key technique was lunar orbit rendezvous.

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