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用“big talk”造句大全,big talk造句

Maybe in the middle of your big talk, someone might start to figure out how to type your little report.

The big talk is like a firecracker, and a sound is finished. It is difficult for us to understand, but we can only take things as they are.

No one likes his big talk.

Don t spout off big talk.

Not especially large, her eyes were lively and gentle, malting the big eyes of many women seem like the big talk of politicians-big and useless.

Everything is still at a loss. Perhaps the best choice is to make peace more calm and persistent? It's just a big talk.

big talk造句

Oh, please. No big talk with me.

What he says is just big talk. Don't take him seriously.

There was no big talk in front of Xiaoxi, no chatting and laughing among a group of men, and no humor in front of other women.

He gave his girlfriend a big talk about his work.

Hung-chien said, "You're so used to duping people with big talk that you've even duped yourself into believing it-a very common psychological occurrence."

In terms of ability, he is average in performance, but he is first-rate in his big talk.

Rehearse several times before the big talk.

We heard a lot of big talk from Mrs Smith about her husband that never came to anything.

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