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用“impatient of”造句大全,impatient of造句

1、He is impatient of reproof.

4、Grim-faced and impatient of critics, Mr Kagame weathered the storm.

7、"Yes, but taking out a licence first," explained Wang Ho-fu testily, becoming impatient of Tang Yun-shan's naivety, "is just like making advance bookings at a theatre."

3、His quick recognitions made him frantically impatient of deliberate judgement.

8、Nay, retire men cannot, when they would; neither will they, when it were reason: but are impatient of privateness, even in age, and sickness, which require the shadow: like old townsmen,that will be still sitting at their street door, though thereby they offer age to scorn.

6、Our English teacher is clearly impatient of the mistakes we made in yesterday's exam.

impatient of造句

2、Altogether, he was impatient of the present.

5、Test for strongest, untwist and split impatient of the ferro-concrete products.

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