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用“pump out”造句大全,pump out造句

But the Ivorian contractor it employed to pump out the hold of its tanker dumped them around inhabited areas in the capital city and the countryside. Tens of thousands of people fell ill and 15 died.

Impeller pump outlet or whether there is a gap in the foreign body.

The pump out of the shackles of traditional design, making gear pump in the design, production and use into a new area.

The reasons for the failure of oil increasing in the gearbox of ZL50 load-hauler-dumper are the seal of work pump and steering pump out of work or already spoiling.

Many investors are betting the firm will continue to pump out fat profits even if the creative genius behind many of its biggest successes ultimately has to hand over the helm.

pump out造句

Remove spacer between the pumps and lift pump out of the rubber sleeve.

There is, though, another way to recharge a flow battery: pump out the discharged electrolyte and replace it with a solution that has been recharged elsewhere.

Pump impeller loose, grinding to pump out the bottom end caps.

Apple has said it's renting or selling 50, 000 movies a day through iTunes, and the service is projected to pump out 18.25 million movies this year.

Pull oil supply valve on vacuum pump out of the cylinder head using a pair of flat-nosed pliers.

Rescuer Jin Maiguang said: "we are racing against time and doing everything we can to put the pipes together, pump out the water and reach those who are trapped underground."

Goldenseal can increase the actions of the liver and spleen pump out more bile from the gallbladder.

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