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DNA was adsorbed predominantly by dehydration effects and hydrogen bonding on organic clays and kaolinite and 43.3-65.2% of DNA was adsorbed on inorganic clays and goethite through ligand exchange.

Red or yellow ochre, an iron-containing pigment found in some clays, is ubiquitous at early modern human sites in Africa and the Near East.


Immobilization of β-glucuronidase on pillared interlayer clays from bentonite

Natural Resources: bauxite, coal, crude oil, iron ore, natural asphalt, calcium, silica, mica, salt, clays.

Small seasonal rivers formed beds of natural clays and dried mud.

Quarry tiles (used for flooring) and terra-cotta, made of natural clays, are less hard and more porous But very popular for economic and aesthetic reasons.

Thus clays and shales tend to be impermeable .

The layers at the base of the mountain contain clays and sulfates, both known to form in water.

Generally, the reason is clays consolidation and creep effect.

There are liquid clays, springs, hard rocks, and those soft and deep quagmires which special science calls moutardes.[59]

Heat-blocking refractory clays and metal heat shields extend the range of suitable applications safely.

Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined.

The effect of ionic strength on the flocculation and removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by clays and chitosan-modified clays were studied.

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