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用“export rebate”造句大全,export rebate造句

The departments of state taxes shall forge ahead with the electronic export tax rebate management system, shall increase the efficiency of the export rebate work and accelerate the tax rebate process.

We flexibly adjust in the process. For instance, in adjusting international balance, we used to rely heavily on adjustment of export rebate.

the commercial banks shall start operations such as trust loans for export rebate accounts, bid invitation guarantees for overseas contracted projects, performance guarantees and pre-payment guarantees, forfaiting and international factoring, etc.

Study on impact anti-dumping duties based on current export rebate policy

The price mechanism also including handling of export rebates policy.

We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times.

export rebate造句

As to price mechanism, the policy of export rebate is to be firmly grasped.

The export rebate rate for wheat flour, maize (corn) flour, severed ducks, severed rabbits and other goods as listed in Annex 2 is raised from 5% to 13%.

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