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Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who, with his devoted young son, shared a passion for art collecting. Together,they traveled around the world, adding only   41  art treasures to their collection.

One year, as winter approached,  42 engulfed(吞没) the nation, and the young man left to 43 his country. After only a few short weeks, his father received a telegram. His beloved son was 44 in action. The art collector 45 awaited more news, 46 he would never see his son again. Within days, his fears were 47  young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor.

Upset and  48 , the old man faced the coming Christmas holidays with sadness. On Christmas morning,a knock on the door awakened the  49  old man. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a  50  with a  large package in his hands.

He introduced himself to the old man by saying, “I was a 51 of your son ,I was the one he was 52 when he died.May I come in for a few moments? I have something to show you.”

As the two began to 53 , the soldier told of how the man’s son had told everyone of his, not to mention his father’s, 54 of fine art. “I am no 55 ,”said the soldier, “but I want to give you this.”

As the old man unwrapped the package , he saw a portrait (画像)of his son. Though the world would 56 consider in the work of a genius, the painting featured the young man’s face 57 striking detail.

Overcome with emotion, the man 58 the soldier. After the soldier had left, the old man put the painting above the fireplace, pushing 59 thousands of dollars worth of art. His task completed, the old  man sat in his chair and spent Christmas gazing at the  60 he had been given.

41.A. latest      B. richest     C. finest     D. cheapest

42.A.flood       B. fire        C. storm      D. war

43.A. save        B. help        C. serve      D. build

44.A.missing     B. acting      C. fighting   D. dying

45.A. calmly      B. anxiously   C. quietly    D. secretly

46.A. fearing     B. doubting    C. wondering  D. expecting

47. A. completed   B. doubled     C. removed    D. confirmed

48. A.nervous     B. tired       C. lonely     D. frightened

49. A. sad         B. puzzled     C. angry      D. worried

50.A. farmer      B. soldier     C. painter    D. seller

51.A.guard       B. photographer C. partner   D. friend

52.A. rescuing    B.carrying     C.guarding   D. hiding

53.A.argue       B.move         C. talk      D.eat

54. A. description   B. love          C. Sense    D. understanding

55.A. artist        B.businessman   C. hero     D. reporter

56. A. sometimes     B. never         C. often    D. still

57. A. for           B. of            C. in       D. on

58. A. thanked       B. questioned    C. welcomed   D. treated

59. A.down          B. up            C. aside      D. off

60. A. treasure         B. gift          C. souvenir   D. package



41. C考查形容词辨析。由上下文的描述“a passion for art collecting”,“they traveled around the world”可以推测出,他们周游世界是在搜集世界上最好的艺术珍品。14 空有fine的原词复现。

42. D 考查语境化选词。由该段最后一句话“The young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor.”可以看出,这里表达的意思是:有一年,随着冬天的来临,战争吞没了整个国家,小伙子离开家乡到前线报效国家。所以选war,意思是:战争。

43. C 考查动词辨析。这里指的是年轻人参*保卫国家,所以选serve。Serve the country意为:报效祖国。save  挽救;help帮住;build建设。

44. A 考查形容词辨析。下一句告诉我们,这位父亲在等待更多的关于儿子的消息,担心再也见不到自己的儿子,由此可以看出,电报上只是说儿子失踪了,所以选missing,意为:失踪的。

45. B 考查副词辨析。收到了儿子在战场上市总的电报,害怕再也见不到儿子,在等待更多消息的心情应该是不安的,所以选B。calmly  冷静地;quietly 安静的; secretly秘密地。

46. A 考查动词辨析。7 空前有该词的名词形式复现。句意见4题。

47. D 考查动词辨析。 由下一句可以看出,他所担心的事情真的发生了,也就是说他的儿子真的牺牲了。所以选D,意为:(得到)*实。complete 完成; double 加倍; remove移动开除。

48. C 考查形容词辨析。儿子去世了,父亲感到很孤独,所以选lonely,意为:孤独的。A项的干扰*很大,但是该词意为:不安的,和and前的upset意思是上重复。

49. 考查形容词。上一句中有选项的名词形式sadness复现。语境为:圣诞节的上午,敲门声唤醒了这位(因失去儿子)伤心的老人。

50. B考查语境化选词。由他自我介绍中的“I was the one he was 12 when he died.”可以看出,这位来客就是老人的儿子牺牲时救的那个人,在结合第二段的“The young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor.”可以看出,他也是一位士兵。故选soldier。13空后也有原词复现。

51. D 考查名词。能够舍身相救,四个选项中只有friend符合语境。

52. A 考查动词。由第二段的最后一句话可知*。rescue挽救。

53. C 考查动词。由语境以及下文的told可以看出,这两个人进行了一些谈话,所以选talk。

54. B 考查语境化选词。对应第一段的“a passion for art collecting”,所以悬念love。句意为:战士告诉老人,他儿子生前告诉大家他非常热爱艺术品,更不用说他的父亲了。

55. A 考查名词。好的艺术作品都是艺术家创作的,而战士带来的礼物是战士自己画的,所以他要表达的意思是:我知道你很喜欢艺术珍品,我肃然不是艺术家,但是我画了一副您儿子的肖像,送给您。所以选artist。

56. B 考查副词。尽管这幅画画的不是多么好(也就是文章所表达的:世界上绝对不会有人认为这是一位天才画家的作品),但是却细致的勾画出了小伙子的面部特征。所以选never。

57. C 考查固定搭配。in detail,为固定搭配,意为:详细地。

58. A 考查动词。收到了别人精心准备的礼物,自然应该感谢,所以选thank。

59. C 考查动词短语辨析。push aside “把……向旁边推”。语境为:老人把以前收藏的价值连城的艺术品放到了一边,而把儿子的画像挂到了最显眼的位置。其他各词都能和push搭配,但不符合语境。

60. C 考查语境化选词。这里指的就是老人收到的礼物,也就是战士送的画像,所以选gift。

知识点:人物传记 故事阅读类


TAG标签:Yearsago #